PacPrint09 lays plans for forum, launches website

Sep 26, 2008 at 02:33 am by Staff

Plans for next year’s PacPrint 09 printing industry exhibition are proceeding well with a new series of forum events being arranged and a website about to go live. Australia’s PIAA is coordinating the forum series, set to run alongside the exhibition in Melbourne from May 26-30. PIAA Victoria general manager Ron Patterson says the forums will support the ‘once in four years’ opportunity to see and learn. “Feedback suggests that people are interested in exploring new directions and possibilities for new and growing business areas, identifying any potential impacts of new technology and changing market conditions, and in equipping themselves to be as profitable and competitive as possible,” he says. “Issues such as the environment, future industry directions and leadership, therefore, have already been identified as possible subjects of interest.” Input and suggestions can be emailed to Patterson at The new website was due to go live as GXpress closed for printing, and will carry full information on who’s involved, what will be on display and what’s happening in and around the exhibition. Chairman of the PacPrint board Alastair Hadley says the resource will allow visitors to plan their time at the show with greater degree of detail and precision than ever before. “The website will carry the most up to date information on exhibitors, events and highlights of the upcoming exhibition, so visitors can decide exactly who, and what, they need to see, and plan their visit to maximise the opportunities provided at the show,” he says. Online visitor registration, information on travel and accommodation, and answers to key questions are on the site, as well as a complete list of current exhibitors and floorplan. “As we get closer to May, we will get details of a wide range of other parallel events, including networking functions, demonstration timetables and special features,” says Hadley. For exhibitors, there will be a ‘protected’ exhibitor zone where they will be able to access the exhibitor manual, download logos and other marketing aids, and gather other key information.
Sections: Newsmedia industry