First Web Leader Quad-Stacks for Vietnam

Oct 05, 2008 at 10:02 pm by Staff

Web Press Corporation has installed its first Quad-Stack four-colour unit in Vietnam ‘Le Quang Loc’ in Ho Chi Minh City. President Mark Ricca says the company’s international sales team in Asia has been working for many months to achieve the goal: “We have a unique product which is very popular in the western hemisphere and some areas of Europe, but convincing companies in Asia of its great value has been a challenge,” he says. “We are pleased that Le Quang Loc has seen this vision.” The Quad-Stack 414+4 is a single-width one-around press with a standard unit footprint but only three-metres high. “Due to its compact nature, the unit fits in plants with lower ceiling heights, which gives it a niche market,” says Ricca. Combined with servo-driven technology, the unit can be merged with single-width lines from makers including Goss, Harris, DGM, Tensor and Solna. At LQL, it has been installed in an older Harris V30 line.
Sections: Newsmedia industry