Heatset press equipped for quick news changes

Feb 05, 2015 at 10:51 am by Staff

Austrian printer NP Druck will add a 16-page manroland Rotoman DirectDrive at its plan in St. Pölten.

The 65,000 revolutions per hour press will have a 965 mm web width and full range of the maker's autoprint features. This includes AutoJobChange which automatically initiates a title change once the target volume is reached, triggers a fully automated plate change with APL robots, and ramps up the press to the good copy stage.

A fifth printing couple will enable fully automated version and title changes, as well as coating and extra colour options. It will also have perforating, punching, and plow folds.

NP already has three manroland commercial web presses including Rotoman and Lithoman models. The new press will go into production in the northern autumn and produce around 300 different newspaper titles, catalogues, supplements and brochures in small and medium-sized runs.

Sections: Newspaper production