QI-EAE ready for Saudi opportunities with agent

Jun 07, 2015 at 01:44 pm by Staff

QI Press Ccontrols and sister company EAE are responding to opportunities in the Saudi Arabian market with the appointment of Al-Qasswa Development their agent.

QI area sales manager Erwin van Rossem says that with "developments currently afoot" which will lead to several press upgrade projects, the companies needed a strong local partner and describes Al-Qasswa as "a serious player" in the Saudi printing world.

The two came into contact via a mutual business partner, and announced their partnership at Gulf Print & Pack in Dubai. "With their successes over the years, there was really no choice than to include by Al-Qasswa in our network," says van Rossem.

Al-Qasswa managing director Toufic Hachicho sees QIPC-EAE as a valuable addition to their portfolio:. "They are a genuine partner with products that are perfectly matched to our own markets, and up to now, we've had unstinting support from them in every aspect of the work involved," he says.

Pictured: Toufic Hachicho and Erwin van Rossem during Gulf Print & Pack

Sections: Newspaper production