News moves to Google but not out of Office

Mar 06, 2014 at 02:09 am by Staff

News Corp Australia has followed Fairfax by partnering Google for email and calendar platforms.

But the move from Microsoft Outlook over the next six months is not likely to signal a departure from Mirosoft Office, chief technology officer Tom Quinn says.

“We will also be setting the foundations for a wider range of powerful Google tools such as Google Drive and Hangouts,” he said, but replacing Office is “not in the plan at this stage”.

The $7000,000-a-year Google licensing will see employees receive 30Gb of online storage for email, with email, calendar and contacts accessible from any web-enabled device, without the need for a virtual private network.

“This is the first step on our journey to Going Google,” says Quinn.

Fairfax Media made a similar move in 2012.

Sections: Digital business