Newscycle advertising, CRM key in Norway

Apr 14, 2016 at 02:31 am by Staff

Newscycle is extending an installation at Trønder-Avisa to include advertising systems at its properties in Norway.

Multiplatform publications Namdalsavisa, Inderøyningen, Steinkjer-Avisa, Snåsningen and Lokalavisa Verran Namdalseid will use Newscycle Advertising for digital, print and mobile advertising operations, integrating it with existing Newscycle Content editorial software.

Trønder-Avisa market director Harald Hustad says the software's built-in CRM functionality is key: "Besides that, we are impressed by the system's flexibility and are looking forward to access the system on our devices - that will be a great help in our daily work."

The new advertising management system will allow Trønder-Avisa to explore new revenue opportunities by increasing sales efforts with a focus on cross-media ad sales.

Sections: Digital business