Members only: PANPA and Canon go bush with picture courses

Jun 24, 2009 at 08:14 pm by Staff

It's strictly 'members only' ... but PANPA and Canon are taking photographic expert Rick Slowgrove to the country next month, with free seminars in Wagga Wagga, Tamworth and Port Macquarie. The workshops on photography techniques and innovations in photographic technology are for picture editors and photographers wanting to improve their own techniques, and those of their colleagues, understand new technology alternatives for stills and video, and improve processes. Organisers say the workshops are also a "deep-dive introduction" for journalists seeking to improve their skills in photography so they can offer publishers a more complete skill-set for print and digital journalism. Slowgrove has worked with Canon for nearly 20 years and is respected as an expert on photography and related technology innovations in picture capture. He joined Canon as a camera-repair technician, and later moved to the professional services team, supporting the professional market in all forms of photography. As manager of CPS, he now focuses on the newspaper publishing sector, working with press photographers and colleagues in the digital space.
Sections: Newsmedia industry