Romanian book printer picks run-ready Community from US

Mar 30, 2019 at 06:38 am by Staff

A four-unit Goss Community is going to SC Editura Paralela 45 SA in Romania.

US-based ImPressions Worldwide has announced the sale of the 578mm format press in 'ready to run' condition.

The configuration includes two mono units - with Jardis pneumatic tension systems - two stacked units and a folder with cross perforator for bookwork, with the drive prepared for the local 380V voltage.

Production manager Stancu Silviu says they chose ImPressions for their seriousness and professionalism: "We do not know if we are the first customer in Romania, but certainly after this collaboration, we will not be the only one."

SC Editura Paralela 45 SA is a book printer and publishing house located in Pitesti, Romania. The press will be shipped from Seattle to Constanta on the Black Sea in the next few weeks.

Sections: Newspaper production