Cloud-based subscriber platform backs soccer launch

Jun 18, 2019 at 06:13 am by Staff

European broadcaster and multimedia communications group Mediapro will use MPP Global's cloud-based technology to power its new Canadian subscription soccer service.

The company is already prominent in rights management for competitions including UEFA Champions League and Liga Brasileirão. Now with global media rights to a suite of Canadian soccer properties - including the recently launched Canadian Premier League - it has rights to every CSB property for the next ten years.

The new OneSoccer international OTT streaming service launched in April and includes both live and on-demand content, with a 30-day free trial and a range of subscription options including day and seasonal 'League Pass' options.

MPP Global's cloud-based eSuite subscriber management and billing platform will drive subscriber acquisition and retention. An SDK includes pre-built user journeys for registration, payment, self-care, product selection and customer service emails, which Mediapro chief technology officer Natxo Imaz says provide additional opportunities to generate revenue, increase our speed-to-market and manage the full billing lifecycle of subscribers. "Already since go-live, we have obtained more subscribers than initially forecast so early on."

MPP Global's clients include McClatchy, L'Équipe, Bonnier, Daily Mail, Racing Post and the New Zealand Herald.

Sections: Digital business