Brightcove brings video tools to new way of working

Apr 07, 2020 at 06:24 pm by Staff

Cloud video platform Brightcove has launched a new app and a suite of products to support cross-enterprise business communication.

The Continuum product uses established video technologies to enable organisations to stay connected to employees and customers, while Engage is a video management and publishing app that optimised for secure video sharing across a global workforce.

Templates to organise content, engagement analytics and enterprise-grade security and stability help streamline internal communications.

Engage merges the two most effective mediums of digital communications - video and mobile - to provide a platform for branded mobile experiences and securely broadcast company-wide live events such as town halls, as well as on-demand video - for onboarding and internal news - directly to an employee's device. Security features include single-sign-on to ensure content is accessible only to people authorised to see it.

Sections: Digital business