Chance to influence Newsroom Summit programme

Jul 15, 2020 at 06:11 pm by Staff

WAN-Ifra's Newsroom Summit - which was to have been held in Munich from October 20-21 - has gone virtual.

Organisers promise a "highly interactive" two-day workshop uniting industry leaders to discuss and share the pressing challenges.

Among issues the workshop will cover are:

Reader retention: how to engage and keep subscribers as the corona situation changes gear;

Editorial product innovation: how to keep the best new products going post-COVID (and stop the rest);

Organising the remote newsroom: how have roles and responsibilities changed; and

Resetting editorial priorities: as print feels the COVID-squeeze, how is the newsroom re-focusing?

Delegates are invited to notify any additional themes they would want to see included in the programme, and reduced registration rates are also on offer. Costs include access to all talks, participation in round table discussions, pre-event and during event networking opportunities, video recordings of talks, as well takeways from all discussions.

Contact organisers for more information

Sections: Digital business