Six-month 'touch-down' as Delta centralises presses

Jul 26, 2020 at 07:19 pm by Staff

Two single-width presses have been relocated to a new Delta Print Group in Natomas, California following the merging of five print companies under one roof.

ImPressions Worldwide moved a five-unit Goss Community SSC which it had installed in Sacramento last year, together with Heidelberg Harris V-25 press.

The press was supplied and installed in mid-summer 2019, with plans that once the new 12,077m2 plant was ready in six months, it would be relocated.

Relocation and the installation of both presses was completed in two months.

The creation of Delta Print Group makes them one of the largest independently-owned print and mail operations in northern California, operating eight offset and web presses.

Sections: Newspaper production