iPhone ad shows how the cookie crumbles

May 26, 2021 at 04:45 pm by admin

If it upsets Facebook’s hold on the advertising industry, it can’t be all bad in our books. And that’s the aim of Apple’s latest iPhone ad, promoting privacy tracking changes in the iOS 14.5 update.

New app tracking transparency framework asks uses to opt-in for ad tracking for the first time, rather than opt out, making it harder for brands and ill-meaning app developers to collect data.

Despite objections to the change from industry sources including Facebook, opt-in rates are reported to be as low as five to ten per cent. A new Apple TVC characterises tracking in the form of a growing horde of interested parties who follow the subject around until, ‘poof’, they’re gone.

Here’s the ad, which was created by TBWA\Media Arts Lab, and the one which preceded it earlier this year.

Now it’s up to Android to follow!

Sections: Content & marketing