Agfa takes the heat out of newspaper platemaking

Sep 06, 2018 at 08:30 pm by Staff

Agfa is extending its 11-year experience with 'chemical free' violet plates with a new product it claims is the first not to require pre-heating.

Apart from the capital and energy benefits which go with that, the company says the new Avatar V-ZH - with its high-contrast image - will save start-up time and waste during makeready, and has stability and linearity throughout an entire print run.

Other features include daylight compatibility, high scratch resistance, and outstanding robustness on press. It is suitable for both conventional and UV inks for semicommercial or special applications, and works with Agfa's Arkitex Sublima screening.

Newspapers market manager Rainer Kirschke says violet-laser technology makes up the majority of the newspaper market. "We have a worldwide base of customers who have been using our violet chem-free plates for more than a decade.

"During the development of Avatar V-ZH we carefully listened to their remarks, and we made every effort to bring maximum economic and ecological benefits to their production."

A new Attiro ZH clean-out unit with a cascade system improves productivity and sustainability with minimal gum consumption, but existing Agfa clean-out units can be upgraded to preheat-free.


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