WEF focusses 'summer university' on hyperlocal media

Jun 01, 2011 at 07:30 pm by Staff

Starting a local or hyperlocal digital service might seem obvious, but it’s hard to succeed in a publishing field that already has become hyper-competitive in many areas.

As a response, WAN-Ifra and the World Editors Forum will pitch its Summer University 2011 towards ‘putting local and hyperlocal content at the heart of your future projects’. The sixth annual seminar, on June 27-28 in Paris, will examine strategies, best practices and journalistic approaches with hyperlocal pioneers and leaders from Europe and the USA. It is the first time the Editors Forum brings its expertise to the event.

Speakers include Adrian Holovaty, founder of EveryBlock in the US, Bart Brouwers, editor in chief of dichtbij.nl in  the Netherlands, Jacques Natz, director of digital media content for Hearst Television in the United States, François-Xavier Lefranc, director for regional and local news at Ouest-France, Roberto De Celis, director of digital editions at Vocento in Spain, and many others.

Among topics to be covered are:

For more information, visit www.wan-ifra.org/summeruniversity2011.

Sections: Print business