Stora's video case on what trees can do that digital can't

Dec 07, 2016 at 01:07 am by Staff

The case of renewable materials, aka the humble tree, is eloquently made in a new video which will be a useful resource for print publishers.

Stora Enso, a company with a reputation for making a lot more than paper out of trees, has a new video to encourage a new valuation of the humble resouyrce.

The raw material for paper, trees are a "truly sustainable resource" - and as technology progresses, can also be used for new and innovative applications that replace non-sustainable resources.

"Too much of what we consume today is made from non-renewables. They will never regrow or regenerate," says the company. "When they are used up, they are gone forever.

"Trees are different. They can regrow and regenerate. They can ensure a long term resource for the planet."

The What a tree can do campaign from Stora Enso provides an insight into just this. Trees are not only renewable but do an important job for the Earth:

-They absorb carbon dioxide from the environment.

-They help us build so keeping us protected. They help us print so keeping us in communication.

-They help us to slow down global warming when more of them are planted.

The video also mentions intelligent packages that "know where they are, have been, what's inside, and whether it's fresh"; the prospect of transparent and programmable wood, capable of changing shape and form; paper that can store energy, and the prospect of solar panels from trees.

Check out the video, or source more information on a renewable future from Stora Enso here.

Sections: Print business