Unveiled: manroland's 'extraordinary solution' to packaging's needs

Mar 08, 2018 at 02:36 am by Staff

A programme of demonstrations heralded the introduction of manroland's new Varioman packaging press in Augsburg.

A pilot f:line hybrid offset-gravure press for film - combining benefits of varied technologies and processes "while specifically avoiding the weak points (of others)" - was shown to international customers at a technology forum last week.

manroland web systems chief executive Alexander Wassermann introduced a "new dimension" for flexible packaging printing which would boost quality and cut costs, while product managers Andreas Wecker and Wolfgang Hiesinger discussed the market situation and manroland's "extraordinary solutions" to it.

The following day offered specialist presentations, with Peter Höringer and partners Kodak, Jänecke & Schneemann and ESI providing deeper insights to technology aspects.

Guests were also treated to a factory tour.

Wassermann says manroland is moving on with "important and considerable discussions that came up at the event.

"We will use this for constantly meeting the market demands and the demands of our customers to be and stay the high performing business partner for the printing industry even in the future."

Sections: Print business