Now Yangzhou’s readers to get semicommercial colour

Jun 19, 2011 at 06:36 pm by Staff

Demand for commercial-quality newspapers has led Chinese publisher Yangzhou Newspaper Media Group to add a new Goss press with heatset and coldset capabilities.

The pioneering publisher and long-time Goss user will install a Magnum 4 in late 2011. The

MV400 hybrid configuration will include two four-high coldset towers and a four-high tower equipped with a heatset dryer capable of producing up to 40,000 cph. Other features include units with three ink rollers, advanced tension control and folding capabilities and integrated digital workflow. 

“Our readers are demanding commercial quality newspapers, so we need to build a new production platform to meet the requirements,” says deputy general manager Shi Kangning. “Choosing the Magnum with semicommercial capability gives us the confidence and ability to bring new visual enjoyment to our readers. It will also give print advertisers more leverage in the competitive marketplace.”

Yangzhou started printing its flagship ‘Yangzhou Daily’ in full colour on a Goss Community nearly 20 years ago, and has since grown paper to one of the strongest media groups in central China, publishing the ‘Yangzhou Evening News’ and ‘Yangzhou Times’.

It installed Magnum 4 and Community SSC presses in 2009 and 2010.

Sections: Newsmedia industry


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