SSAI 'solution' to video ad blockers

Nov 14, 2015 at 01:14 am by Staff

Brightcove says it has ad blocking licked with a new solution based on server-side ad insertion.

The system puts an advertisement in the video stream where it claims "ad blockers can't touch it", enabling publishers to generate revenue from content they have created or licensed.

The company says ad blocking has increased by 41 per cent globally in the last 12 months and cost publishers nearly $22 billion during 2015 (PageFair/Adobe, 2015).

The new Brightcove Lift product combines SSAI with its HTML5 player, and claims early adopters have seen a 50 per cent increase in video ads delivered per video. Vox Media had turned off ad delivery because of experience issues on Android with another platform.

The company claims its HTML5 player still supports client side interactivity, reporting and analytics.


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