Oval office-approved TikTok over here with TV campaign

Sep 21, 2020 at 08:05 pm by Staff

Not only has TikTok 'slipped through the US net' with president Donald Trump waving through a minority deal, but you'll be seeing more of it on prime time Australian television.

A deal which has Oracle and Walmart holding 20 per cent of a new US-based company is a facesaver for the Oval Office because ByteDance - which has the app and the other 80 per cent, is 40 per cent US venture capital owned.

Trump has "given the deal my blessing", avoiding a proposed ban of TikTok in the US.

Oracle, with 12.5 per cent, as cloud provider, reckons its involvement will alleviate the security concerns, while Walmart (with 7.5 per cent) hopes to improve its ecommerce offering.

The video sharing app is launching its first Australian advertising campaign, 'It starts on TikTok', with commercials on Seven, Nine and Network 10, plus digital video, digital display and social with Akcelo as campaign partner.

Sections: Digital business


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